Community Policing
Ann Davis
CHWK Hospice

Heart Block Challenge

The We Care committee has proposed a winter challenge – for guild members to make heart blocks that will be made into We Care quilts. Everyone loves heart quilts, especially kids!  A We Care sewing day will be planned for February where you can help put the quilts together if wish.

A quick and easy pattern is available here and on the website.  The pattern has multiple size options  – we have made the 10” block then added borders to complete the unfinished block at 16 ½”.   Instructions for adding borders are included with the pattern.  You can make a smaller block from the pattern if you wish, but please adjust the borders to complete the unfinished block at 16 ½”.  

Please make as many blocks as you wish, in any colour combinations – they will be made into all sizes of quilts, including kids’ sizes.  

Blocks can be dropped off at Cozy Cottons.  If you are unable to drop them off, please email the We Care committee and we will arrange a pickup.

Thank you to everyone who wants to participate – you have two months to complete your blocks!

Member Donations in December

Community Donations in the Fall

Member Donations in November

Chwk Hospice

Park Place


Ann Davis

Member Donations in January

Chwk Community Policing

Member Donations in October

We Care 2024 - 2025

Community Donations in September

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