Winners of the Fat Quarters


Debra P, Wanda L

Winners of the Door Prizes


Diane H, Carolyn M, Hannah B, Alida D, Grace M, Eileen M, Marilyn J, Wanda L, Karri W, Carla C, Cathy C


Birthday !

Show & Tell - September 2017



Tonight we celebrated the Anniversary of our guild, 20 years and going strong.  Everyone enjoyed a sweet treat of cake and received a swatch of fabric with our Anniverary design on it.


A demonstration of the correct way to attach sashing and borders was given by Beatrice R - yes there is measuring involved! 


In addition to our regualar show and tell we enjoyed the projects of the Mystery

Challenge shown by Ginger C., Wanda L., and Janet S.


Gift Certicifate Winners

Hamels - Judi Campbell

Country Folk - Kate D



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