Show & Tell - January 2019
Winners of the Fat Quarters
Wendy L, Wanda L, Debra P
Winners of the Door Prizes
Merrilee Mairs, Micheline G, Ineke VG, Kate D, Jean P, Grace M, Sylvia D, Dianne S
SewLympics - Teams were formed and individulas were prepared for this fun race against
the clock to complete the kits or hand sewing. There was plenty of time for visiting, learning
and laughing by all in attendance. Enjoy the photos below of this fun event.
Quilt Top Winners were:
1. Sharon E, Susan S, Sonja C, Dorinda G
2. Connie D, Debra P, Wendy L, Eileen M
3. Grace M, Ida M, Kim M, Darlene C
Hand Work Winners were:
1. Ursual Y 2. Evelyn R 3. Gerry DW
Gift Certicifate Winners
Hamels - Janet S
Country Folk - Joan G