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Gift Winner - Ida M

Gift Winner - Maureen G

Gift Winner - Carla C

Gift Winners -


Graceland Quilts Gift Certificate -

Cherri M

Country Folk Gift Certificate - 

Sandra L

Carola's Quilt Shop -

Shirley V

Show & Tell - December 2020

Holiday Cooking - 


Members got into the spirit of the season by cooking their favourite savouy food or baking their delicious sweet treats. See all the recipes. Prizes were given to three lucky participants.



FAN (Fibre Art Network)

‘Circles and Lines’, each piece of work is a personal interpretation of the theme based on the artist’s vision. They are 7” x 9” or 7” x 7” in size. More than 50 members participated in this exhibition.  For more info on FAN visit thier website at www.fibreartnetwork.com

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