Round Robin
Participating Groups
Laura B, Grace M, Diane H, Maureen W
Gail W, Ginger C, Colleen S, Janet S
Connie D, Beatrice R, Kim M, Evelyn D
Karlie M, Wendy L, Rachel B, Sonya C
First Round of the Projects
Passing it Along
The challenge for this year is a “Round Robin" starting October 2020 finishing May 2021. This exciting project will give you the opportunity to try something different and perhaps stretch yourself!!!
This project works with members being in a group of 4 or 5. Each group will decide on its own rules, for example: a medallion round robin, a strip round robin, or a block round robin. Each participant in a group decides on their own theme or you could all work on the same theme. You could decide on a theme for each month or be random, for example: half square triangles, log cabin, applique, modern, etc
Each participant completes the first piece, puts it in a box (or bag), which is then passed around in rotation to each member of the group. You will not see your piece again until the end of March!!!! Between March and May you complete your project for a reveal at the May meeting.
This will be a great way to stay connected during the year and have fun.