Raffle Quilt Construction Update - First Work Day
At the start of the summer Darlene B, Debra P and Karlie purchased the fabric for our 2020 project. Joanne B took on the task of washing and pressing all the fabric in readiness for our next meeting. On Sept 6 we had a planning and cutting session to prepare for our big sewing day on Sept 14.
Raffle Quilt Construction Committee
At the April meeting a clipboard was passed around asking for volunteers to sign up. Thanks to those who signed up. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up and want to be included speak to Karlie. Our first meeting will be held on May 22 a Wed evening 7pm at Karlie’s place. For this meeting please bring along pattern ideas for our projects so we can discuss and plan the quilts.
The Committee Members include:
Karlie M, Dorinda G, Wanda L, Maureen G, Darlene C, Debra P, Darlene B, Joanne B, Ida M, Elizabeth G, Gail W, Lyn R, Jean P, Wendy L, Janet S
Quilt Show 2020
PieceMaking in the Valley Quilt Show
Date: Cancelled due to Covid
Location: Chilliwack Alliance Church, 8700 Young Road, Chilliwack.
Block One - Use a dark black tone on tone fabric for the larger part, and then add a corner of any bright fabric. The added corner can be a 45, 30 or 60 degree angle piece or a random shape of your choice.
Block Two – Make a half square triangle using any bright fabric and a tone on tone black, and then add a corner piece of an angle of your choice. The black must be in the middle.
Square the blocks to be 6 ½” finished size. Please make one of each or more if you desire. We will be needing approximately 100 in total.
Samples of block 1
Samples of block 2
Raffle Quilt - Second Prize Project
We would like to have a Second Prize Raffle Quilt as we did for the 2016 and 2018 show. We are asking members to make three simple blocks (one of block 1, two of block 2) from your fabric stash to contribute to this quilt. The blocks are very quick and easy to make taking no more than about 20 minutes of your time, maybe less if you are speedy. Thanks in advance for participating and supporting your guild.
Table Topper Donation
Each year we sell Raffle Quilt tickets at the event in Gwynne Vaughn Park, they kindly give us a table in exchange for a donation for their auction. Here is the table topper made from the scraps of our First Prize Raffle Quilt. It is also a sneak peak at the pattern we are using.
Committee Leaders - Sign-up
All committee leadership positons are in need of a volunteer. Please sign up at the October or November meeting, or email Karlie through the guild email address. chilliwack piecemakers@gmail.com
Show Chair – Karlie M
Show Co-Chair – Janet S
Advertising - Darlene T
Challenge Quilt - Jean P, Debra P
Decorations -
Demonstrations - Ursula Y
Entrance Table - Gail W, Naida F
Frames/Hanging - Gail W, Ginger C
Guild/Boutique Table - Sandra L, Wendy L
Kitchen/Tea Room - Sonja C, Kim M
Merchants - Lyn R
New Memberships - Darlene T
Photographer - Norma H
Prize Baskets - Carla C, Karri W
Quilt Registration - Beatrice R
Raffle Quilt Sales -
Receiving/Returning Quilts - Wanda
Tea Room Decorations -
Treasurer - Connie D, Shirley V
We Care Display - Leslie Z, Claudia F, Ginger C
Raffle Quilt Construction Update - Second Work Day
Sept 14 we held our second work session. Wanda, Debra and Ida cut the remaining fabric readying it for block construction. What a trooper Ida was she cut only white last time and all the white this time. On the ironing boards keeping the assembly line rolling were Gail, Karlie and Janet who jumped between several works stations. The sewing machines of Wendy, Joanne, Darlene B, Darlene C, Lyn and Jean worked flat out all day producing close to half of the needed blocks. Darlene C is one speedy sewer completing the first block for us to admire. Treats to eat were provided by Wendy and Gail; weren’t those chips so addicting one was not enough. At lunch break we had a chance to rest, visit, stretch and fuel up for the afternoon of work. The remaining unfinished blocks were taken for homework to be completed for our next meeting where we will sew the blocks together forming the quilt top.
Raffle Quilt 2020 Construction Update - Third Work Day
Oct 5 was our final sewing day for the first prize quilt. The machines of the employees (Maureen, Wendy, and Ida) were humming along at sweatshop speed. Only one glitch was discovered by quality control (Janet), this created a minor setback resulting in few blocks being remade. Once that was fixed we were full steam ahead with the quilt top assembly. Our design consultants (Debra and Wanda) kept the system running smoothly by planning the block layout and pre-pinning the sections. Our union leader, (Lyn) made the announcement for lunch. We all dutifully left our work behind for a good visit in the lunchroom. Management (Karlie) declared after half and hour time was up and we needed to get back to work. The afternoon passed quickly with the assistant manager (Jean) making decisions for the back of the project. The safety inspector (Joanne) was pleased to report no injuries on the assembly line. At the end of the workday management sent everyone home early for exemplary service above and beyond the call of duty. Our off site employee (Grace) will take on the next step, longarming.
* Disclaimer: All events may or may not have happened, names may have been changed to protect the innocent.
Janet signing out the kits for the Second Prize Raffle Quilt.
Raffle Quilt - Second Prize Project
A great big thank you to all these ladies, Sandra L, Darlene T, Wendy L, Ineke VG, Janet S, Joan J, Jean P, Lesley Z, Wanda L, Elizabeth G, Kate D, Joanne B, Ursula Y, Lyn R, Diane H, Gail W, Ida S, Karen W, Cherri M, Darlene B, Sonja C. They all took blocks for the Second Prize Raffle Quilt and returned them at the November meeting, that’s right folks meeting to meeting, only 4 weeks to complete and return the work.
The Raffle Quilt committee met on Sat Nov 23 for our final sewing day. It only took us 2 hours to complete the sewing. The quilt top and back are all together, ready for longarm quilting. Thanks to Beatrice who has volunteered to do the longarm quilting on this project.
This Quilt Show was cancelled due to Covid but we are ready to go again with a quilt show in Oct 2022.
Raffle Quilt - First Prize & Second Prize
Fully finished, quilted, labels on and binding stitched down.
Quilt Show Challenge Project
Time to put those thinking design caps on ladies and start making your challenge. We hope many of you will still want to participate by making a project. Our plan is to collect images from all the finished items, post them here online and survey our group for a winner. And when we finally have another Quilt Show we would love them for a display.
The Theme for the Chilliwack Piecemakers Quilt Show Challenge isTwenty Twenty
To Celebrate the year 2020 the theme for our Challenge is “Twenty Twenty”. Your design can be any theme you want but must include the 10 items listed below plus 10 items of your choice. For a total of 20 different items and be the specified size (20” x 20”). We encourage everyone in the guild to participate in this challenge.
Rules of the Challenge
- #1 Rule: Have Fun!!! Use your imagination!
- You must include at least one of each of the 10 items on the list below plus 10 items of your choice (more of each item if you’re adventurous). All 20 items must appear on the front of your wall hanging. The items from the list can be any size and you are not limited to just those items, but 20 listed items must appear individually at least once on the front of your challenge. **Remember your challenge will be hung up so make sure these items are securely fastened and not so heavy they flop over.
This is the list of the 10 items that must appear on your quilt
- A Square
- A Triangle
- A Hexagon
- A Circle
- The Color Blue
- The Color Yellow
- Applique – Machine or Hand
- A Bead
- A Button
- A Number (any number)
Remember it must include ONE of each item!!! No combining items like a blue, round button.
- Finished Size: Your wall hanging must finish as a 20” x 20” square to fit with the “Twenty Twenty” theme. No exceptions!!
- Methods of Construction: You are free to use whatever construction or quilting methods work best for your creation (i.e. machine piece, hand piece, paper piece, machine applique, hand applique, machine or hand quilt, etc.), but it must be 3 layers and quilted. We encourage you to challenge yourself and be creative.
- Fabric Requirement: You can use whatever fabrics you want in your challenge. There is also no limit to the total number of kinds of fabrics used in your challenge but you must include the items on the above list plus 10 items of your choice.
- Hanging Sleeve: The quilt back must have a hanging sleeve. We may use pins to hang your quilt at the show, but we’d like the sleeve in case we decide to hang them on a rod or a rope.
- Label: Make sure you put a label with your name on the back of your challenge.
- We will a list of the 10 items required and you will add to the list your 10 items you have selected. This way the voters will know what to look for to be able to judge your wall hanging.
- Due Date: Finished challenges will be posted online and voting by a survey will select a winner.
If you have any questions about the challenge please contact - Jean P or Deb P