
We Care Workshop 2022

We Care Workshop, April 30, 2022


What’s better than quilting with friends? Quilting and making some new friends! During the We Care Workshop, that’s just what happened. Lots of quilting with some old friends while meeting some new guild members. The workshop was held at Cozy Cottons Quilt in the training side of the new store. It began at 10:00 and continued through until 3:00.  There were a few people that couldn’t resist a little fabric shopping, everyone enjoyed the refreshment table and of course everyone worked on a We Care quilt. It was a great day for sewing, chatting, meeting people, as well as getting to know Angela and her new store. Special thanks to the following:  Angela H for hosting the workshop in her new facility.  Jay Brooks for bring all the equipment and skills to let us run a Zoom meeting during the workshop. Karlie for Zoom meeting invitations. Natalie B, Micheline G, Dorinda G, Barbara P, for snacks and treats, Grace M for looking after the prize drawings. And finally thank you, for attending the We Care Workshop, all your efforts and participation are truly appreciated. 



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